
第一章总 则

第一条 本联盟的全称是“国际车联网与智能汽车测试技术创新联盟“,英文译名为:International Innovation Alliance of Testing Technology for Internet of Vehicles and Connected Automated Vehicles,简称CAVTest

第二条 联盟性质:本联盟是以实现资源共享、优势互补、相互促进、整体提升为目的,由国内外车联网和智能汽车领域的相关高等院校、科研院所、知名企业、检验检测机构、社会团体等单位发起成立的非营利性、国际性的研究组织。

第三条 联盟宗旨:本联盟聚焦车联网与智能汽车产业高质量发展需求,立足全球视野,以服务行业、推动创新为宗旨,搭建车联网与智能汽车及其测试技术创新合作平台,集聚行业中坚力量,增进联盟成员内部的沟通与合作;整合技术、人才、资金与研发平台等资源,实现优势互补、资源共享,面向联盟成员提供高品质、多样化的公共服务;开展科技攻关、平台建设、标准制定与示范应用,助力我国车联网与智能汽车技术领域的科技进步与产业发展。

第二章 主要任务

第四条 联合开展关键核心技术攻关。围绕车联网与智能汽车及其测试领域的重点技术需求,对标国际技术前沿,联合联盟成员单位共同申报国家有关重点科研平台与重大研发项目,统筹谋划科技攻关方向,共同开展关键核心技术攻关,不断提升联盟成员单位在相关领域的科技实力和创新能力。

第五条 加快推进重点方向标准规范制定。围绕车联网与智能汽车测试评价工具链构建等重点方向,通过国际标准、国家标准、行业标准、地方标准与团体标准等多种形式,组织联盟成员开展标准规范研制与应用,助力我国车联网与智能汽车产业高质量发展。

第六条 积极推进创新成果产业化应用。发挥联盟对产业的带动作用,促进构建产业链共生发展生态,通过政、产、学、研、用的深入合作交流,以市场需求为导向,以服务行业企业为目标,探索以企业为主体、产学研用为纽带的车联网和智能汽车发展的新模式,积极推进联盟成员单位创新成果产业化应用。

第七条 不断推动国际技术交流与合作。依托联盟成员管理运行的多个国际合作基地、创新引智基地、国际联合实验室等平台的桥梁纽带作用,搭建车联网与智能汽车技术领域技术交流与成果示范平台,联合举办国际、国内学术与产业会议,广泛开展国际、国内学术交流与合作。

第八条 共同开展高质量创新人才培养。发挥联盟成员中高校在人才培养主阵地作用,拓展校企协同育人途径,通过混合教学、联合培养等模式完善产学合作的协同育人体系。

第三章 组织机构

第九条 联盟设立理事会和专家委员会,理事会下设秘书处。

第十条 联盟理事会为联盟的最高决策机构,主要职责如下:







第十一条 理事会设理事长1名,副理事长若干名。

第十二条 联盟首届理事长、副理事长由理事会选举产生;副理事长增选由理事长、副理事长单位提名人选,由理事会选举产生。

第十三条 秘书处为联盟理事会执行机构,实行理事长领导下的秘书长负责制,主要职责如下:

(一) 执行理事会的各项决议,在理事会闭会期间代行其管理职能,负责联盟日常事务;

(二) 负责联盟工作会议的筹备和召开;

(三) 负责联盟年度工作计划与年度工作报告的编制;

(四) 负责联盟成员加入与退出申请的受理;

(五) 组织联盟有关成员签订具体的合作协议;

(六) 根据工作需求设置专业工作组开展工作;

(七) 负责办理理事会交办的其他事项。

第十四条 秘书处设秘书长1名,副秘书长若干名。

第十五条 专家委员会成员由理事会遴选和聘任,由车联网与智能汽车测试技术领域知名的专家组成。主要职责如下:

(一) 为联盟的发展及重大事项决策提供专业咨询指导;

(二) 提出联盟重大研究立项建议,负责联盟重大项目的论证及评审等工作的技术把关;

(三) 为理事会的决策提供咨询建议;

(四) 为联盟成员提供咨询建议。

第十六条 专家委员会设主任委员1名,副主任委员与委员若干名。

第十七条 专项工作组:



第四章 联盟成员

第十八条 本联盟由单位会员组成。

第十九条 申请加入本联盟的单位,须满足下列条件:




第二十条 联盟成员包括理事单位、副理事长单位和理事长单位,分别享有下列权利














第二十一条 联盟成员的义务







第五章 附则

第二十二条 本章程的解释权属联盟的理事会。

第二十三条 本章程自联盟成员大会通过后生效。

Constitution of the International Innovation Alliance of Testing Technology for Internet of Vehicles and Connected Automated Vehicles


Chapter I General provisions

Article 1 The full name of the Alliance is  International Innovation Alliance of Testing Technology for Internet of Vehicles and Connected Automated Vehicles, CAVTest for short.

Article 2 Nature of the Alliance: The Alliance is a non-profit, international research organization initiated and established by domestic and foreign universities, research institutes, well-known enterprises, inspection and testing institutions, social organizations and other units in the field of vehicle networking and intelligent vehicles for the purpose of resource sharing, complementary advantages, mutual promotion and overall improvement.

Article 3 Purpose of the Alliance: Focusing on the high-quality development needs of the networking of vehicles and intelligent vehicles industry, based on a global perspective, the Alliance aims to serve the industry and promote innovation, build a cooperation platform for the networking of vehicles and intelligent vehicles and their test technology innovation, gather the backbone of the industry, and enhance communication and cooperation among the members of the Alliance; To integrate resources such as technology, talent, capital and research and development platform, realize complementary advantages and resource sharing, and provide high-quality and diversified public services for Alliance members; To carry out scientific and technological research, platform construction, standard formulation and demonstration application, and help the scientific and technological progress and industrial development in the field of vehicle networking and intelligent vehicle technology in China.


Chapter II Main tasks

Article 4 Jointly tackle key and core technologies. Focusing on the key technical needs of the Internet of vehicles and intelligent vehicles and their testing fields, benchmarking the international technological frontier, the member units of the Alliance shall jointly declare relevant national key scientific research platforms and major R&D projects, make overall plans for scientific and technological research directions, jointly carry out key core technology research, and constantly improve the scientific and technological strength and innovation ability of the member units of the Alliance in related fields.

Article 5 Accelerates the formulation of standards and specifications for key directions. Focusing on key directions such as the construction of vehicle networking and intelligent vehicle test and evaluation tool chain, through international standards, national standards, industry standards, local standards and group standards, alliance members are organized to carry out standard development and application, to help the high-quality development of China's vehicle networking and intelligent automobile industry.

Article 6 Actively promotesthe industrialization and application of innovation achievements. Give full play to the alliance's driving role in the industry, promote the construction of a symbiotic development ecology of the industrial chain, through in-depth cooperation and exchanges between government, industry, education, research and use, with market demand as the guidance and enterprises in the service industry as the goal, explore a new model of vehicle networking and intelligent vehicle development with enterprises as the main body and production, university research and use as the link, and actively promote the industrialization application of innovation achievements of alliance member units.

Article 7 Constantly promote international technical exchanges and cooperation. Relying on a number of international cooperation bases, innovation and intelligence introduction bases, international joint laboratories and other platforms managed and operated by alliance members as bridges and links, build a platform for technical exchange and achievement demonstration in the field of vehicle networking and intelligent vehicle technology, jointly hold international and domestic academic and industrial conferences,and extensively carry out international and domestic academic exchanges and cooperation.

Article 8 Jointlydevelops high-quality innovative personnel training. Give full play to the role of colleges and universities in the main position of personnel training, expand school-enterprise cooperative education channels, and improve the cooperative education system of industry-university cooperation through mixed teaching and joint training modes.


Chapter III: Organization

Article 9 The Alliance shallestablish a board of directors and an expert committee, under which a secretariat shall be established.

Article 10 The Council of the Alliance shall be the highest decision-making body of the Alliance with the following main duties:

(1)Review the articles of association of the Alliance;

(2)to nominate, elect, appoint or remove the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary general and deputy secretary- general of the Alliance;

(3)to decide on the appointment of the Committee of experts.

(4)to decide on the admission and withdrawal of members of the Alliance;

(5)to supervise and guide the work of the secretariat of the Alliance, and to hear and examine the work reports of the Secretariat;

(6)to decide on other major matters.

Article 11 The Board of Directors shall have one President and several Vice Presidents.

Article 12 The first President and Vice Presidents of the Alliance shall be elected by the Council; Co-elected Vice President shall be nominated by the President and Vice President unit and elected by the Board of directors.

Article 13 The secretariat shall be the executive body of the Alliance Council and shall be responsible for the Secretary General under the leadership of the Chairman. Its main responsibilities are as follows:

(1)Implement the resolutions of the Council, to perform management functions on behalf of the Council when it is not in session, and to take charge of the daily affairs of the Alliance;

(2)To be responsible for the preparation and convening of the working conference of the Alliance;

(3)To be responsible for the preparation of the annual work plan and annual work report of the Alliance;

(4)To be responsible for accepting and accepting applications for membership and withdrawal of Alliance members;

(5)to organize relevant members of the Alliance to sign specific cooperation agreements;

(6)to set up professional working groups to carry out work according to work needs;

(7)to handle other matters assigned by the Board of Directors.

Article 14 The Secretariat shall have a Secretary-General and a number of Under-Secretaries-General.

Article 15 The Members of the Expert Committee shall be selected and appointed by the Council and shall be composed of well-known experts in the field of vehicle networking and intelligent vehicle testing technology. The main responsibilities are as follows:

(1)to provide professional advice and guidance for the development of the Alliance and decision-making on major matters;

(2)to put forward proposals for major research projects of the Alliance, and be responsible for the technical check of the demonstration and evaluation of major projects of the Alliance;

(3)to provide consultation and suggestions for the decision-making of the Council;

(4)to provide advice to members of the Alliance.

Article 16 Theexpert Committee shall have a chairman, deputy chairmen and several members.

Article 17 Special Working Group:

The specific work of the Alliance shall be specialized and a special working group shall be established. The special working group shall be composed of the member units of the Alliance as well as relevant experts and scholars. Each working group shall carry out its work under the unified coordination of the Alliance Council and the secretariat.

Each working group shall have a leader and several deputy leaders. Candidates for the Group Leader and Deputy Group Leaders shall be recommended by the Working Group and appointed by the Secretary-General.; The Alliance may setup new special working groups or dissolve existing working groups as needed.


Chapter IV Alliance Members

Article 18 The Alliance shall be composed of unit members.

Article 19 Units applying to jointhe Alliance shall meet the following conditions:

(1)Enterprises and public institutions, social organizations and relevant government agencies registered in according with law;

(2)support the Articles of Association and have the intention to join the Alliance;

(3)be able to fulfill the obligations of a member of the Alliance and actively participate in the activities of the Alliance.

Article 20 Members of the Alliance, including the Council Unit, the vice President unit and the President unit, shall respectively enjoy the following rights:

Council unit:

(1)Participate in the general assembly of the Alliance, participate in the discussion and vote on major policies, resolutions and matters related to the development of the Alliance;

(2)Participate in the activities organized by the Alliance, and obtain the summary documents of the Alliance's phased work and scientific and technological achievements materials free of charge.

(3)To publish the technical and product information of the unit on the Alliance's website, public account and various conferences and related publicity activities held by the Alliance;

(4)may recommend a representative of the unit to serve as the director of the Alliance and recommend well-known experts in the industry to join the expert committee of the Alliance;

(5)To participate in the working group of the Alliance and serve as the responsible unit of the working group;

(6)to criticize, make suggestions and supervise the work of the alliance;

(7)the right to vote, stand for election and vote in the Alliance;

(8)The right to join the association voluntarily and to withdraw freely.

Units of the Chairman and Vice Chairman:

In addition to enjoying the rights of the above-mentioned Council units,

(i)may nominate candidates for the Presidents, Vice- Presidents, Secretary-General and Vice-Secretary-General;

(ii)Recommend the responsible unit and person in charge of the alliance working group;

Article 21 Obligations of Alliance Members:

(1)Abide by the Alliance's Articles of Association and relevant management regulations;

(2)to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests and reputation of the Alliance;

(3)to actively participate in the activities organized by the Alliance;

(4)to implement the resolutions of the Union;

(5)to complete other tasks assigned by Council of the Alliance;

(6)Other obligations in accordance with the articles of association of the Alliance.


Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 22 The power of interpretation of these Articles belongs to the Board of Directors of the Alliance.

Article 23 The Articles of Association shall come into force upon their adoption by the General Assembly of the Alliance.